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Results for "keyword: "entitlement""
Consumerism A look at how society encourages us to buy more and more and what we can do in response.
Reflecting on Narcissism "Imagine a country where everyone acts like a reality show contestant — obsessed with power, status and appearance, and is comfortable manipulating others for their personal gain. 'I'm here to win…
The Unwinding A bold and illuminating four-decade portrait of the decline of America.
A Civil Rights Issue: Mass Incarceration in the U.S. In an article for Chris Hedges examines the strong connections between being poor and going to prison in the United States. Of the 2.2 million people locked up at the moment, 97% of fed…
A Fortunate Man (Lykke-Per) The visions, flaws, and setbacks of a gifted young man who wants to be a Master of the Universe.
The Narcissist Next Door A creative and insightful treatment of the epidemic of narcissism afoot in American culture.
A Prayer for Africa's Animals Lover of Animals, we are grieving the death of Cecil the Lion in Zimbabwe. We are concerned about all the other African lions, rhinos, and elephants who are victims of poachers and "trophy" hunters.…
The Second Mother A splendid and engaging morality play about class warfare and the challenges and disappointments of parenting.
Called to the task of peacemaker Called to the task of peacemaker
Philomena A spiritual drama about the dynamics of faith, forgiveness, hope, and love.